Sundara Energy brings energy projects to life moving towards sustainability and a greener future.
Our scope of expertise includes:
- Carbon programs, GHG emissions reporting and pricing policy
- Facility energy and conservation initiatives
- Energy commodity procurement
- Advocacy, engagement and education
Learn more about our services below:
Carbon Emissions Project Management
- Customized energy and carbon cost analysis – we look at processes and operations targeting future cost reduction initiatives
- Greenhouse Gas reporting (GHG) with priority access to an extensive network of verification experts
- Carbon charge relief programs covering industrial and greenhouse sectors – OBPS
- Market updates on emerging GHG emissions policies, programs and fuel charge regulations – Federal and Provincial
- Portfolio Management, Optimization and Trading of Carbon Credits
Do you have a specific question regarding Canadian Carbon Policies? Sundara has the answers for you!
Facility Energy and Conservation Project Management
- Global adjustment management – ICI program (Class A)
- Partnerships with energy utilities and industry experts
- Awareness and assistance with applications to funding and incentive programs
- Owner’s representative services – an expert extension of your organization’s team to oversee energy planning and implementation
- Enable facility on-site energy sustainability, efficiencies and potential revenue generation
Energy Commodity Procurement Services
- Custom energy solutions – power and natural gas
- Managing third-party procurement with top-tier market providers to ensure stable and cost-effective energy supply
Advocacy and Engagement
Do you have a need for education, carbon reporting compliance services or advice on how to reduce carbon tax costs? Sundara Energy can provide program solutions tailored to meet all your business and organizational objectives!
- Organization of energy and conservation forums
- Workshop design and facilitation
- Content development
- Government advocacy and utility engagement